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Find a Doctor, Hospital or Lab

Use our online directory to find in-network doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, labs and specialty services.

There are multiple ways you can use the Online Directory to search for a provider:

  • Enter the provider's name in the search box.
  • Enter your member ID number to find providers covered by your plan. Or select your plan using the “Plan name” box to ensure you are only viewing providers covered by your plan.
  • Use the Zip Code box to search for providers near you. Select the desired search distance or by specific county.
  • Search by selecting the type of specialty from the listed categories.

Consejos de búsqueda

  • On the results page, you can narrow down your results by choosing more search items from the left-hand panel.
  • On the results page, click on the name of provider to view additional information.
  • You can sort your search results by distance or by alphabetical order. Select from the drop-down menu of the "Sort By" option found on the upper right corner of the results page.
  • Click the "Start New Search" button to start a new search.
  • Click the "Search Tool" button to review the icons on each search result item.
  • If you need help, click on "Contact Support" at the upper right corner of the page.

Actualizaciones del Directorio de proveedores y farmacias

  • The online directory is updated frequently and includes information provided by the doctor, hospital or pharmacy.
  • View or print a complete PDF version of our Provider Directory. Nota: Este directorio se actualiza de forma mensual (pero las redes de farmacias y proveedores pueden cambiar en cualquier momento).
  • Cuando use la versión en PDF del directorio, tenga en cuenta que el símbolo triangular junto al nombre del proveedor significa que el proveedor acepta Medicaid. Si Medicaid paga su costo compartido de Health Partners Medicare, debe usar proveedores de nuestra red que sean proveedores participantes de Medicaid. Si no lo hace, es posible que sea responsable de cualquier monto de costo compartido.
  • If you need additional help or information, please call Member Relations at 1-866-901-8000 (TTY 1-877-454-8477). If you would like a Provider & Pharmacy Directory mailed to you, call us or complete and submit the online request form.

Preferred Lab Services

Outpatient laboratory services are provided through Jefferson Health Plans’ sole national preferred commercial laboratory, Quest Diagnostics, and also hospital locations contracted for laboratory services. Locations of participating laboratories can be found via our online directory.

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